BachelorTSW Ever wanted to quickly check whether there's RP happening somewhere? Tired of asking "any RP happening?" in the ingame SWLRP channel and not getting a response because people who are RPing aren't checking the channel (and most forget to join it anyways)? Do not fear, RP List Mod is here! It will show you a neat list of everyone who has the mod installed along with the zone and dimension they are in - and you can directly meet up on them from the list, too! Big thanks to Samera for their help!
BachelorTSW The mod stopped working a few days ago, new fixed version released on Curse hopefully won't need any more fixes in the future! Thanks to Rovena for helping with new domain for the mod's server!
BachelorTSW The mod's server was experiencing issues for over a week (unfortunately, it didn't send any alerts). Everything should be working again, with a different monitoring solution in place.
Rovena BachelorTSW Bach, could you give the server another kick or whatever is needed to get it up again?
BachelorTSW Oops, didn't have the thread followed. I have automated checks monitoring it which would ping me if the server went down, but seems it was briefly unavailable from Germany (potentially entire Europe?) 3 days ago for some reason.