Borrowing this from an old enjin post by the player of Jarred LeBeau:
"A list of 10 things... Things the player has in common with their character, and things they differ on. Can break the list up however you want, 5 and 5, 9 and 1, however it breaks down. Just list 10 things total between both categories.
Some people play characters very similar to themselves, others play personas very different than them in RL. Neither is the right or wrong way, but knowing where you and your character agree / differ on certain things can help flesh out their personality and portray it accurately.
Don't share anything you aren't comfortable with divulging, both about you or the character, and try to avoid the obvious differences like "Character knows Magic, Player does not" or the like. Unless you actually do hunt Monsters in RL, then by all means, let us know. =P
Have fun!"